Wiki der elektrischen Kontakte

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Willkommen in der neuen Wiki der elektrischen Kontakte

Die Grundlage dieser Wiki ist die 2012er Ausgabe des "DODUCO Datenbuch der elektrischen Kontakte", welches auch in gedruckter Form erhältlich ist.
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Zufälliger Artikel

Test Procedures for the Communications Technology

Testing of the contact behavior in the communications technology is usually performed on the actual devices such as for example in relays. Experience has shown that the interaction between all design and functional parameters such as contact forces, relative movement and electrical loads are determining the failure mode. Therefore only statistical performance tests on a larger number of switching devices lead to meaningful results.

One must differentiate between static tests (for ex. contact resistance) and dynamic ones (for ex. elec...

Zufällige Dateien

Micro structure of W Cu 70 30 G.jpg

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