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Switching Contacts

3,721 bytes added, 15:41, 17 September 2014
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===<!--6.4.4 -->Switching Contacts===<ul><li>'''Effects during switching operations'''</li>
*'''Effects during switching operations'''<xr id="fig:Contact_opening_with_arc_formation_schematic"/><!--Fig. 6.7:--> Contact opening with arc formation schematic
Fig. 6<div class="multiple-images"><figure id="fig:Contact_opening_with_arc_formation_schematic">[[File:Contact opening with arc formation schematic.7 jpg|left|thumb|<caption>Contact opening with arc formation (schematic)</caption>]]</figure></div><div class="clear"></div>
*<li>'''Influence of out-gasing from plastics'''Fig. 6.9:Histogram of the contactresistance R of an electroplated Kpalladium layer (3 μm) with andwithout hard gold flash plating(0.2 μm) after exposure withdifferent plastic materials</li>
<xr id="fig:Histogram_of_the_contact_resistance_Rk"/><!--Fig. 6.109: Contact resistance with exposure to out-gasing from plastics as a function -> Histogram of numbers the contact resistance Rk ofoperations at 6 V ,100 mA: 1 Silicon containing plastic; an electroplated palladium layer (3 μm) with and without hard gold flash plating (0.2 Plastics μm) after exposure with strongly out-gasing DCcomponents; 3 Plastics with minimal out-gasing componentsdifferent plastic materials
*'''Influence <xr id="fig:Contact resistance with exposure to out gasing from plastics"/><!--Fig. 6.10:--> Contact resistance with exposure to out gasing from plastics as a function of numbers of corrosive gases on the contact resistance'''operations at 6 V<sub>DC</sub>,100 mA: 1 Silicon containing plastic; 2 Plastics with strongly out-gasing components; 3 Plastics with minimal out-gasing components
 <div class="multiple-images"><figure id="fig:Histogram_of_the_contact_resistance_Rk">[[File:Histogram of the contact resistance Rk.jpg|left|thumb|<caption>Histogram of the contact resistance R<sub>K</sub> of an electroplated palladium layer (3 μm) with and without hard gold flash plating (0.2 μm) after exposure with different plastic materials</caption>]]</figure> <figure id="fig:Contact resistance with exposure to out gasing from plastics">[[File:Contact resistance with exposure to out gasing from plastics.jpg|left|thumb|<caption>Contact resistance with exposure to out-gasing from plastics as a function of numbers of operations at 6 V<sub>DC</sub>,100 mA: 1 Silicon containing plastic; 2 Plastics with strongly out-gasing components; 3 Plastics with minimal out-gasing components</caption>]]</figure></div><div class="clear"></div>  <li>'''Influence of corrosive gases on the contact resistance'''</li> <xr id="fig:Distribution of cumulative frequency H of the contact resistance for solid contact rivets"/><!--Fig. 6.11: --> Distribution of cumulative frequency H of the contact resistance for solid contact rivetsafter 10 days exposure in a three-component test environment with 400 ppb each of H<sub>2</sub>S, SO<sub>2</sub> andNO<sub>2</sub> at 25°C, 75% RH; Contact force 10cN; Measuring parameters: ≤ 40 mV<sub>DC</sub>,10 mA; Probing
contact: Gold rivet
Fig<div class="multiple-images"><figure id="fig:Distribution of cumulative frequency H of the contact resistance for solid contact rivets">[[File:Distribution of cumulative frequency H of the contact resistance for solid contact rivets. 6jpg|left|thumb|<caption>Distribution of cumulative frequency H of the contact resistance for solid contact rivets after 10 days exposure in a three-component test environment with 400 ppb each of H<sub>2</sub>S, SO<sub>2</sub> and NO<sub>2</sub> at 25°C, 75% RH; Contact force 10cN; Measuring parameters: ≤ 40 mV<sub>DC</sub>,10 mA; Probingcontact: Gold rivet</caption>]]</figure></div><div class="clear"></div>  [[File:Influences on contact areas in relays.8: jpg|right|thumb|Influences on contact areas in relays]] <li>'''Contact Phenomena under the influence of arcing Matertia'''</li><ul><li>'''Material transfer'''</li> <xr id="fig:Material transfer under DC load"/><!--Fig. 6.12:--> Material transfer under DC load a) Cathode; b) Anode. <br /> Material: AgNi0.15; Switching parameters: 12V<sub>DC</sub>, 3 A, 2x10<sup>6</sup> operations <div class="multiple-images"><figure id="fig:Material transfer under DC load">[[File:Material transfer under DC load.jpg|left|thumb|<caption>Material transfer under DC load a) Cathode; b) Anode. <br /> Material: AgNi0.15; Switching parameters: 12V<sub>DC</sub>, 3 A, 2x10<sup>6</sup> perations</caption>]]</figure></div><div class="clear"></div>
<li>'''Arc erosion'''</li>
*'''Contact Phenomena under the influence <xr id="fig:Arc erosion of a AgSnO2 contact pair after extreme arcing Matertia'''*'''Material transfer'''conditions"/><!--Fig. 6.1213: Material transfer under DC load --> Arc erosion of a Ag/SnO<sub>2</sub> contact pair after extreme arcing conditions a) CathodeOverall view; b) Anode.6 Material: AgNi0.15; Switching parameters: 12VDC, 3 A, 2x10 operationsPartial detail view
*'''<div class="multiple-images"><figure id="fig:Arc erosion'''of a AgSnO2 contact pair after extreme arcing conditions">[[File:Arc erosion of a AgSnO2 contact pair after extreme arcing conditions.jpg|left|thumb|<caption>Arc erosion of a Ag/SnO<sub>2</sub> contact pair after extreme arcing conditions a) Overall view; b) Partial detail view</caption>]]</figure></div><div class="clear"></div>
Fig. 6.13 Arc erosion of a Ag/SnO<subli>2'''Contact welding'''</subli> contact pair after extreme arcing conditionsa) Overall view; b) Partial detail view
*'''Contact welding'''<xr id="fig:Micro structure of a welded contact pair after extremely high current load"/><!--Fig. 6.14: --> Micro structure of a welded contact pair (Ag/SnO<sub>2</sub> 88/12 - Ag/CdO88/12) after extremely high current load. a) Ag/SnO<sub>2</sub>88/12; b) Ag/CdO88/12 <div class="multiple-images"><figure id="fig:Micro structure of a welded contact pair after extremely high current load">[[File:Micro structure of a welded contact pair after extremely high current load.jpg|left|thumb|<caption>Micro structure of a welded contact pair (Ag/SnO<sub>2</sub>88/12 - Ag/CdO88/12) after extremely high current load. a) Ag/SnO<sub>2</sub> 88/12; b) Ag/CdO88/12</caption>]]</figure></div><div class="clear"></div></ul></ul>
[[Application Tables and Guideline Data for Use of Electrical Contact Design#References|References]]
[[de:Schaltende Kontakte]]

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