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Tungsten and Molybdenum Based Materials

23 bytes added, 16:24, 28 April 2014
Silver–Tungsten Carbide (SIWODUR C) Materials
Higher requirements on low temperature rise can be fulfilled by adding a small amount of graphite which however increases the arc erosion. Silver–tungsten
carbide–graphite materials with for example 27 wt% WC and 3 wt% graphite or 16 wt% WC and 2 wt% graphite are manufactured using the single tip press-sinter-repress (PSR) process <xr id="fig:fig2.136Micro structure of -Ag WC 27 C3"/> (Fig. 2.136).
The applications of Ag/WC contacts are similar to those for Ag/W <xr id="tab:Contact and Switching Properties of Contact Materials Based on Silver – Tungsten (SIWODUR), Silver–Tungsten Carbide (SIWODUR C) and Silver Molybdenum (SILMODUR)"/> (Table 2.38).

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